Professor,Department of Education
GC University Faisalabad
Procrastination can lead to depression and depression can result in procrastination. Depression is a withdrawal from normal psychological functioning. The way you perceive about your body is your cognitive body image. This can lead to excessive concern with body shape and weight. Behaviors in which you relate as a result of your body image encompass your behavioral body image. Depressed people interact less with the world than they did when they were functioning in a healthy way of thinking and behaving. Depressed people withdraw from the world because they may find human interaction too stressful and threatening. Anotable symptom in depression is a lack of drive to initiate or perform any task. This study is interview research aims to assess the amount of unintentional procrastination in body image concerned depressed patients in efforts to justify the symptoms. The sample size consists of 30 depressed patients‟ age ranging from 21-60 which includes both men and women, identified with symptoms of depression due to body image and patients who have been treated with antidepressants for 3months-6years. The Unintentional Procrastination Scale by Bruce A.Fernie (2016) is used in this study. Results revealed from the test conducted, Out of 30 depressed patients, above 25% to 40% of the patients responded with moderate agreement. Most of them face disturbances in their occupational lives, because of the unintentional procrastination that bothers them.
- 2021-10-10 21:43:56 Subject Area - Psychology
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